Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I finally figured it out --- Thanks for the help everyone!!

Cheers! From my pimp to yours!


Los said...

What was the best piece of info?

Anonymous said...

I. Am. Speechless. Yo.

Lisa said...

Los - I didn't actually have my camerai plugged in; I was going from printer to laptop. I'm still not sure what the problem was, but I turned everything off and back on ... and voila. Had done that a couple of times, but finally it took. Who knows?!?!?!

Baronness -- Don't think I forgot about your request for Blanta. Hold onto your hat, girl!

SGM said...

WTF is that?

Lisa said...

Gee, it's a glass I made to take to a "bring your own decorated glass" party. I actually rested my drinking glass in the top of the pimp hat .. pretty funky, eh?!?!!

Cary McNeal said...

Nice. Inner-city special ed class project?

heh heh