Friday, January 30, 2009


I've gone a little crazy with the online shopping over the past week. As a result, I've had a parade of delivery guys and a stack of pick-up slips on my front door. Well, "parade" and "stack"may be a slight exaggeration, but since I never really buy anything online it seems like a lot to me.

Anyway, here's what I've been finding on the world wide webmall:

Shampoo - My Mom left a near-empty bottle of her shampoo when she stayed over the holidays, so I decided to use the last of it before throwing the bottle away. It's a special shampoo that she used when her hair was growing back after chemo, and the label says it's for fine or thinning hair. I loved this stuff. My hair is very fine, and thankfully after my own bout with hair loss it's all grown back .... but, I dig this shampoo and want to keep using it. I couldn't find it in a regular retail store, but Amazon came through!

Camera - I've been taking pictures with the same Spiderman disposable for the last 2+ years and a digital camera that I got for Christmas about 8 years ago. I really do like to take pictures, so it was time to make an investment in something decent. Let's hope it's not too hard to use! I've been stalking this camera for about 2 months, and found it online for half the price of anywhere else. Nice!!

Curtains -- OK, so I didn't turn my house into a theatre and the curtains don't look anything like this, but I need curtains for the french doors in my bedroom. Thank you, Target!

Piano music -- I bought a piano over the holidays, which has been great. If you thought my blogging hiatus was long, it's nothing compared to the 25 year vacation I took from my first love. Not only am I pretty rusty on the ivories, but my music is terribly outdated. One book cover boasts that it includes "Everyone's Favorites" -- "What's Love Got to Do with It" and "Axel F" (you know, the theme song from "Beverly Hills Cop") Another book of "Today's Hits" contains the theme to "Hill Street Blues" and "Tomorrow" (from Annie). Now, the majority of what I play is classical music, but still .... it would be nice to have something a little more up to date. So what did I do? I ordered a book of 400 Broadway Show Tunes!! I CANNOT WAIT to have a big singalong party!!! (I know, it may just be Schue, my sister and I for that one!)

And the grand finale of deliveries .....

My sister gave me a Lobstergram for Christmas. Today, I'm working at home because the lobsters are live and have to be cooked the same day. The "Down East Feast" dinner for two contains:

Live Maine Lobsters
Lobster Bisque (I picked this over Clam Chowder)
Corn on the Cob (or potatoes)
Clams (shrimp or mussels are the other choices)
Shell crackers
A lobster pot

Thanks Laura ... I'm really excited to try this out, and will call to give a full report!!


Sandi said...

Oooo! Lobster. Who is the lucky soul that is sharing it with you?

I live for on-line shopping. With 2 pre-schoolers and a full-time job, it's the only way I get things done.

Anonymous said...

Hey there, what kind of shampoo is that? I would like to give that a try for myself!!

I tried to call the other day, but don't know if I have your correct #'s. We need to catch up soon!

Shelley Jaffe said...

You're not going to have one of those "Annie Hall" moments with the lobsters, are you?

Because if you are, don't forget to use your new camera & take lots of pictures... ;)

schue said...

Make sure you take a picture while you are playing showtunes, eating a lobster with soapy hair in front of your curtains. Well, thats if you decide to use all your purchases at one time.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got your lobster gram!! Take pictures of the little have the camera, might as well use it :)

Also - about the Shampoo - It's called Nioxin and you can find it in salons, although it may be cheaper on Amazon

Los said...

I love it when the UPS or FedEx guy comes aknockin'!

Lisa said...

Yes, I got Nioxin Level 1 (or system 1, plan #1, whatever it's called). Haven't tried the conditioner, but I'm really digging the shampoo. ... babs